Here’s An Opinion On:
Submitted by: Sarita Sinha
Here are a some tips to keep in mind when getting ready for an assessment that will make the audit go better and help you relax in the time coming up for the audit.
1. Know the requirements.
You have been ISO registered for a number of years, but when was the last time you read the standard? Read the standard in the days before the audit. Make sure that you know what you think the requirements are, and make notes about things that you are not clear on. Your lead auditor considers himself an expert on the standard, and I’ve yet to meet one that isn’t happy to share their opinions or translation of the standard.
2. Conduct a wide-ranging review of management
One of the first things the auditor will consider the review of management (if not formally, which will review the performance of the operation and what to do if a client about the facts they had.) If you do a good job preparing the review of management and the answers to these questions will be included in the package. Most listeners will be kept on-site examination to demonstrate compliance with other areas of the audit.
3. Develop an internal audit plan
It’s a hard thing to do, but if you have a schedule of internal audit is in progress, so many weeks before the audit, a quick look is all that is needed to prepare the audit. Document your findings of internal audit. Nothing waves a red flag with an accountant, faster than a plant that is not running in top form with an internal system that did not find any problem. You can also use internal audit as an opportunity to document non-compliance and to issue internal corrective actions issued.
4. Ensure that audit and provided to everyone in the organization.
Although it feels like you’re the only one involved, everyone in the facility will be nervous if they are checked. You can help them relax if you let them know what to expect. If you have the same listener, you know what is likely to ask. Refresh the memories of those interviewed in previous audits and let everyone know what to expect. This applies to everyone in the organization, senior operators to store, it is important that everyone is informed.
5. You are the expert in your process.
The auditor is an expert in internal audit and the standard that you are being revised. It is not an expert on your processes, your customers or anything else about your organization. Your methods have been developed and evolved in their present state of being, and you will meet the expectations of your clients. Although there are several things you know you can do better, the auditor would be interested in what you say you do, and it is effective in meeting customer requirements.
We’ve all been there-that office pacing, palm sweating, and hand- wringing time just before an auditor comes in to conduct an assessment. It could be ISO-9000, TS 16949 certification or a customer specific assessment. It doesn’t matter what the audit is, the days and hours before the audit are going to drive you crazy.
About the Author: I am working as a business consultant, In Pune. Provide solution for TS 16949 and Consultant in ISO implementation for various companies. I hope the above article will help you in getting an overview of ISO.
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