- Here’s An Opinion On:
- Workplace Info Website
By Christopher Granger
At that period in time where people start taking on online identities, so did online reputations come forth. All of the content that bears your name or might probably be related to you constitutes the whole of this online reputation. Now, one may ask ‘who really cares about what these online people will say, anyway?’ Well, to answer that, one must know first that the world’s most powerful search engines have all sorts of creepers to hunt out that wealth of information online, to chart the unexplored areas of the online universe – including those places where the nastiest, vilest things about you are being put up.
So online reputation management is really needed. Who cares about your online reputation? Definitely people who would want to do business with you: consumers and prospect buyers, future employers and Human Resources Team members, stock holders, and marketers among many others. Of course, journalists will also have their own share of investigation. Even personal contacts, who might be interested to ask you out for a fancy Italian dinner. Yes, basically everyone and anyone who has access to the Internet; all of those people who want to know more about you.
Then goes the next question: what if they see something bad about you? Well, there could be a number of possibilities stemming from that scenario. One could be just a momentary divergence of attention and click on a link directed to the page of a competitor instead, or perhaps the divergence of viewership for one whole year. Of course, the effects of irresponsible Online Reputation Management can cripple businessmen, land fatal blows to enterprises and business names. Without taking a proactive stance in maintaining a good and decent online presence, one could even miserably fail.
LinkedIn is one of those websites where one can easily start. It is a social networking site aimed at establishing and enhancing business connections. In fact, by the number of viewership, it is the largest among its kind, now being widely used and being hailed as the de facto tool for professional networking. This is good for Online Reputation Management, since there is a wide base for potential followers and viewers, as well as it provides a good field of vision as to who are your competitors are and how well they fare in the field.
What many users do not know, and probably have not even used to their advantage, is the idea that LinkedIn provides gate-mediated access. This means that whenever professionals are being contacted, some preexisting relationship, or a mutual contact, has to intervene. In a way, there is a strong sense of trust that is being developed. This exact element further leads to good reputation, especially if all linkages with numerous and varied companies are all about trust and good feedback.
Even better is that given that heavy but positive connection, page rank also increases with it. As a page (your page) contributes to more pages (as a follower, as a contact, or something similar), page ranking websites places a higher value for that page. Higher rank means higher visibility. Higher visibility with the positive feedbacks to back it is up just one of the many steps one could take to further improve your own online reputation.
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